Outside the Classroom
Learn beyond the classroom
Expand your depth of expertise in a historical topic by participating in an internship, studying abroad, or conducting research alongside our expert faculty, including Associate Professor Dr. Abigail Dowling, who received the inaugural EXPy Award for supervising students’ digital history project as part of an independent internship.

Internships at local museums and historic sites provide students with opportunities to learn specific work-related skills crucial to success in almost any employment setting — teamwork, researching, marketing, public relations, and customer service.

Study Abroad
The History major can be easily combined with a short-term or long-term study abroad experience. Recent Mercer History majors have studied in the United Kingdom, Germany, and Morocco among other locations. Studying abroad enhances the historical experience and increases the cultural horizons of the students who participate.

Every History major undertakes an independent research project on a topic of his or her choice. Though guided by a faculty mentor, students work through the historical resources on their own, craft their own original thesis, and present their findings to groups both on and away from the Mercer campus. Recent History majors and minors have presented at regional and national conferences in Atlanta, Georgia; Spartanburg, South Carolina; New Orleans, Louisiana; Chicago, Illinois; and even Nassau, Bahamas.
Postgraduate Opportunities
When you graduate from Mercer University with a History degree, you’ll be well-equipped to succeed in your next step, whether it’s enrolling in a graduate program or entering the workforce. Our curriculum is designed to sharpen your research and communication skills, allowing you to flourish as a historian and build a strong background for your higher education and employment.
Many of our graduates enroll in higher education programs or pre-professional programs to study topics such as:
- Education
- Law
- Journalism
- History
Graduates have a wide range of flexible career options, enjoying working as educators, museum curators, archeologists, information scientists, lawyers, and small business owners.