Program Requirements

About the major

Our Statistics program offers a Bachelor of Arts degree. The B.A. degree requires 38 semester credit hours. All students are required to complete the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences core and depth requirements.

What you study

What does a major in statistics entail? What topics will you study? Introductory courses cover descriptive statistics and statistical tests. As you get further into the curriculum, the focus is on experimental design, applied regression, and modern computational tools for analyzing data and making decisions.

Students typically follow the course of study below.

  • Year 1 — Calculus I and II and introductory statistics and statistical methods
  • Year 2 — Abstract mathematics, linear algebra, and computational statistics
  • Years 3 and 4 — Probability, experimental design, applied regression, and the capstone course

About the minor

The statistics minor requires three courses beyond introductory statistics and statistical methods and easily combines with any major, including business, economics, psychology, and sociology.

Departmental honors

Majors may earn departmental honors in Statistics by meeting the following requirements:

  • Attain a GPA of 3.50 in the courses applied toward the major
  • Complete a research project suitable for publication in a scholarly journal and/or presentation at a scholarly meeting.