Career Opportunities

Make a Difference in the World

With a global development studies degree, you have flexibility and options for your future career choice. Because this program takes a multi-disciplinary approach, you will obtain a combination of knowledge and skills that allow you to stand out among your competition. As a global development studies graduate, you will have a variety of career options in the government sector, nongovernmental organizations, and intergovernmental agencies. Many of our graduate students now hold titles such as:

  • Activist
  • Author
  • Community worker
  • Economic development officer
  • Foreign correspondent
  • Foreign service officer
  • Fundraiser
  • Government administrator
  • Health policy planner
  • Human rights advocate
  • International aid worker
  • Legal secretary
  • Legislative aid
  • Lobbyist
  • Media correspondent
  • Mediator
  • Nonprofit administrator
  • Peace Corps
  • Population studies analyst
  • Teacher

If you choose to pursue graduate school, one of the global development studies professors can guide you in your academic endeavors. Many of our students pursue higher-level education in fields such as law, public health, medicine and international affairs.