Sigma Delta Tau

Join Sigma Tau Delta

As an English or creative writing major or minor, you have the opportunity to join Sigma Tau Delta, the international English honor society. Our Tau Upsilon chapter seeks to support, stimulate, and strengthen our English department and give national recognition to our outstanding students. To join Sigma Tau Delta, you must:

  • Complete two English or ceative writing courses
  • Maintain a minimum 3.0 GPA in English or creative writing and overall
  • Compete at least three semesters of course work

Students eligible for Sigma Tau Delta will be notified by email each January. New members are inducted at a ceremony in March and are honored at Honors Convocation in April.

As a member, you will receive and be eligible to publish your work in Sigma Tau Delta’s publicationsThe Rectangle and the Sigma Tau Delta Review. You will also receive the Sigma Tau Delta newsletter and be eligible for the Sigma Tau Delta leadership internship in Mercer’s English Department. In addition, you will be eligible to receive graduation regalia, including the society’s pin signifying high achievement in English, writing, and literature. You may compete for scholarshipsinternships, and cash prizes for writing. Additionally, the organization holds an international convention every two years.