Outside the Classroom

Intern for local companies

We want you to use the knowledge you gained in the classroom to grow deeper as a student and learn more about the world around you. That’s why we strongly suggest that you apply for an internship. If you have any questions, our faculty will guide you toward the internship that will benefit you most. Many students intern with local non-profits, public relations firms, Mercer University Press, and other incredible companies and organizations. By applying what you know in real-world situations, you are obtaining an education that cannot be compared.

Study in new lands

It’s true that by opening a book, you can be transported to a new place filled with intriguing people. Stories spark imagination and creativity in people in ways that other types of media cannot. But we encourage you to take your desire to travel one step further. Take part in our study abroad program. When you forego your comfort zone for the unknown and mix that with your education, you will grow and develop as a student and person.

Join Sigma Tau Delta

As an English major or minor, you have the opportunity to join Sigma Tau Delta, the international English honor society. Our Tau Upsilon chapter seeks to support, stimulate, and strengthen our English program and give national recognition to our outstanding students.

Indulge in your love for the Bard

The Mercer Shakespeare Society is an organization of students, faculty, and staff who, following Ben Jonson’s lead, find in Shakespeare’s works a source of inspiration and delight that is “not of an age but for all time,” including our own, here and now in the 21st century. As a member of the society, you will meet regularly to read from Shakespeare’s works, share favorite passages, hear speakers from the worlds of literature and theater, view films, and attend performances and other Shakespearean events. We welcome everyone with an interest in and love for all things Shakespeare. Join us and help “give life” to the beauty and power of the Bard’s works here at Mercer University.

Participate in undergraduate research

Undergraduate research in English invites students to ask their own questions about the discipline and gives them the deeper knowledge and advanced skills needed to answer them. As a student engaged in undergraduate research, you will develop:

  • Imagination
  • Organizational skills
  • Analytical and critical thinking skills
  • Writing ability
  • Communication skills
  • Persistence

To get started in undergraduate research, talk to a faculty member in the Department of English.

Graduates sit at 2019 Macon commencement.

Postgraduate Opportunities

After graduating Mercer University with an English degree, you will have skills such as reading and understanding complex works, looking for and analyzing patterns, persuasively arguing your point, and more. These skills are highly-sought after in every industry.