Program Requirements

About the Major
The theatre major consists of a minimum of 31 hours.
All theatre majors will design a creative major project in consultation with a theatre faculty member. The project will reflect the classes and experiences of the students in their major classes and in the theatre. Students must submit a typed project proposal to the theatre faculty for their approval at least one year prior to their expected date of graduation. After the completion of the project, the students will meet with the theatre faculty and staff to report on their experiences and to engage in a critique of the project. Projects will be evaluated by the theatre faculty and graded pass with distinction, pass, or fail.
About the Minor
The theatre minor consists of a minimum of 15 semester credit hours.
Departmental Honors
To earn departmental honors, a theatre major must meet the following requirements:
- A minimum overall GPA of 3.50
- A minimum GPA of 3.50 in courses taken in the Department of Communication and Theatre
- A grade of pass with distinction on the major project.