Dr. Chester J. Fontenot Jr.
Professor Emeritus of English

Dr. Fontenot is the author or editor of eight books, including two works in the influential series, “Studies in Black American Literature,” and the first book-length study of racial theorist Frantz Fanon. He has also published over 60 articles and numerous book reviews and newspaper articles. Dr. Fontenot was a founding member and first chair of the Modern Language Association African-American Literature Section and editor of the Black American Literature Forum. He has received numerous awards, including Who’s Who Among Black Americans, The Directory of American Scholars, Contemporary Living Authors, Who’s Who in America, Who’s Who in the 21st Century, Who’s Who in American Education, Who’s Who Among America’s Teachers, and his biography is included in the National Biographical Center in London, England.
Dr. Fontenot has earned a national and international reputation in his fields of academic research and has lectured at more than 40 universities in the United States and as a visiting scholar at six universities in four countries abroad. He is the general editor of the Mercer University Press book series, “Voices of the African Diaspora.” He has also served as a consultant for more than 30 years for multiculturalism, diversity, and inclusiveness efforts by institutions.