Dr. Vasile Stănescu

Associate Professor of Communication Studies

Director of Speech and Debate

headshot of dr. vasile stanescuDr. Vasile Stănescu is co-senior editor of the Critical Animal Studies book series published by Rodopi/Brill. He is the co-founder of the North American Association for Critical Animal Studies (NAACAS). His publications have appeared in journals such as the American Behavioral Scientist, Liberazioni – Rivista di critica antispecista [Liberations-Anti-Specieist Criticisms], The Journal of American Culture, Animal Studies Journal, and the Journal for Critical Animal Studies. Stănescu’s scholarship has been recognized by the Culture & Animals Foundation, Minding Animals International, The Institute for Critical Animal Studies, The Andrew Mellon Foundation, and the Institutul Cultural Român, [Institute for Romanian Culture]. Stănescu’s scholarship has been translated into German, Slovenian, Romanian, and Japanese.

Dr. Stănescu also serves as the director of the University program in speech and debate, which has received multiple national awards.


  • Ph.D., Stanford University
  • M.A., University of Texas at Dallas
  • B.A., University of Texas at Dallas


Critical animal studies, environmental rhetoric, health rhetoric, food studies, and social justice

Professional Interests

Dr. Stanescu’s research focuses on the greenwashing by animal agribusiness, critiques of humane meat, in vitro meat, and the failure of consumerist options for social change.

Recent Publications

Select Talks

Please visit Dr. Stănescu’s page at mercer.academia.edu/VasileStanescu to read additional publications.

Contact Dr. Vasile Stanescu

Office: Langdale Hall, Room 218